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As established in the General Data Protection Regulations, we offer the following detailed information about our Privacy and Data Protection Policy:

When we need to obtain information from you, we will always ask you to provide it to us voluntarily and expressly. The data collected through the data collection forms of the website or other channels will be incorporated into a register of treatment activities, for which the ICIQ is responsible. This entity will treat the data confidentially and exclusively for the purpose of offering the requested services, with all the legal and security guarantees imposed by the General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 of the European Union, Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

Your data will be kept as long as the relationship established between both parties remains in force. Once this is extinguished, our organization will keep your data as long as there are legal obligations that requires us to do so. Once these legal terms are prescribed, your information will be deleted.

ICIQ agrees not to assign, sell or share the data with third parties without your approval.

Likewise, the owner of the Website will cancel or rectify the data when they are inaccurate, incomplete or no longer necessary or relevant for their purpose, in accordance with current regulations.

The user may revoke the consent given and exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition and other rights by addressing the web responsible through the following e-mail:

The categories of data that are treated are: Identification data; Postal or electronic addresses; Commercial information; Academic and professional data; Specially protected data is not processed

If you choose to leave our website through links to websites not belonging to our entity, THE OWNER OF THE WEBSITE will not be responsible for the privacy policies of these websites or the cookies they may store in the computer of the website/user.

Our policy regarding e-mailing focuses on sending only communications that you have requested to receive and / or that may be of interest to you. If you prefer not to receive these messages by e-mail, we will offer you the possibility of exercising your right to cancel your subscription, in accordance with the provisions of Title III, article 22 of Law 34 / 2002 of Services for the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.